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Gov. Disappears During Major Emergency. Is He The Worst Politician Ever?

When you look at all of the major crises facing Americans today — mental health, criminality, inflation, high taxes, high cost-of-living, back-to-back extreme weather events, and more — one state is so badly managed by its politicians and lawmakers it might as well be an open air prison camp for the addicted and criminally insane.

Only this same state charges residents the highest prices for everything, and tax those who choose to flee to safer pastures. Can you guess where we’re talking about yet?

California! The Golden State went from being a beautiful paradise on Earth to the worst place in the nation in less than a decade, all thanks to Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom, a slew of woke DAs, and funding from foreign billionaire George Soros.

So myriad are the issues in California that it’s almost like a test-area for how to totally destroy modern humanity.

But apparently fixing these problems, or even just showing up for his voters in a ceremonial sense, is far from the top of Newsom’s list. The glorified hairdo of a man disappeared from California on Thursday to return Sunday, right as more than a million of his residents deal with blizzards, extremely high snowfall, and an overall state of emergency, according to Breitbart.

These extreme and sudden weather patterns started at the end of 2022, taking the lives of at least 20 people. Newsom didn’t bother to declare an emergency until Wednesday March 1. But the National Guard didn’t even show up at some of the towns most in need of support as infrastructure crumbles around them.

An article published by the San Bernardino Sun said that fear is spreading throughout mountainous regions of the state. Many people are unable to leave their homes due to the extreme weather, some having to forgo essential medical treatment because of the total mismanagement.

Gavin Newsom abandoned his citizens when they needed a leader the most.

No self-respecting person could possibly respect Newsom after his recent behavior. He declared a state of emergency and then disappeared for four days, leaving his citizens to fend for themselves, Breitbart so perfectly explained. Imagine if this man runs for president and oversees the entire U.S.?

He has the power to turn all of America into California. But we don’t have to let him.

Make sure your state doesn’t become California. Sign up to today (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed. Together, we can stop people like Gavin Newsom from ruining America!


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