‘You Cannot Give Up’: Listen To John Graves’ Inspiring Words On America’s Future
A video shared by the FlashPoint. Army Instagram account, Thursday, featured a fantastic statement from MillionVoices founder John Graves.
“You cannot give up,” Graves told the audience at a FlashPoint Live event. “Luke 18: the persistent widow. You have to stay after it, stay after it, stay after it. Even an evil judge who doesn’t fear God and doesn’t fear man will relent for a little persistent widow who won’t stop crying out.”
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Graves liked the passage to what we’re experiencing here in America today. “It happened last week,” Graves continued, discussing First Son Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal, and the underlying issued with that deal. “There was a just judge from Delaware, who is a [former President Trump] appointee, and that lady smelled a rat, and she demanded to see what it was. And it blew the whole thing up.” (LEARN MORE: Everything You Need To Know About MillionVoices, And Our Mission To Help America Save Itself)
The Hunter Biden Cover-up Exposed
Days later, Graves appeared on FlashPoint with Gene Bailey to discuss the ins-and-outs of why Biden’s plea fell apart. You can watch the full video here:
Faith Saves, And So Can You
Most of the problems facing America today come from a fallen relationship with faith. Christian programs and rehabilitation services work, but only if your government officials allow them to.
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