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Supreme Court Justice On Track To Receive Statue At State Capitol

Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas is on his way to receiving a statue at the Georgia State Capitol. Georgia’s Senate passed the legislation supporting the statue on Feb 14., despite Democrats calling out against the decision.

Thomas, 74, has been consistently attacked by the left for his conservative values and for his constitutionalist views, the Epoch Times reported. Thomas was confirmed in 1991 under former President George H.W. Bush, and ensured heated attacks by current President Joe Biden at the time. He is currently the longest-serving justice on the Supreme Court.

The statue honoring him and the work he has done to protect this great nation will be paid for by private funds.

“His house burned, his dad left him, and he and his mother moved into the city of Savannah. [He was] reared by his maternal grandfather. And [he] loved to read, loved to study … went to Catholic school,” Georgia State Sen. Ben Watson said of Thomas. “He’s someone that came from very humble beginnings and has just done fabulously, and I think that should inspire us—that’s what monuments and statues should do.”

Another state Sen. Emanuel Jones referred to Thomas as “Uncle Tom,” in a clip that has since gone viral on social media after it was shared by social media icon Greg Price.

Thankfully, Jones’s racist comments didn’t do much to dissuade Georgia from honoring one of their greatest lawmen. This is a great win against the woke movement trying to eradicate America’s history.

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