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Sports Star Claims A Spiritual Awakening Is Helping Her Fight Back Against Men Trying To Play In Women’s Sports

Professional swimmer-turned-spokesperson for protecting women in sports Riley Gaines Barker is crediting her courage to a spiritual awakening.

“I’ve always been spiritual. But this past year, I really have been spiritually awakened. I’ve seen so evidently how God moves through people, how He has His hand on me in this situation, in this fight,” Gaines Baker, 23, told the congregation at Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg, Virginia, in early July, the Christian Post reported.

“But that being said, I’ve also seen so evidently how His opposition works and moves through people in not the same way. … It’s plaguing this country. And I think we can all agree this is a spiritual battle. It’s no longer right versus wrong, good versus bad. This is moral versus evil.” (LEARN MORE: World Expert Says Transgenderism Is ‘Mental Disorder,’ Sex Changes Are ‘Biologically Impossible,’ And The Industry Will Collapse Like Eugenics Did)

Women Fighting To Protect Their Spaces

Gaines Barker shot to fame after a biological male named William Thomas, who asked to go by Lia Thomas, fought to swim on the University of Pennsylvania’s swim team. Thomas was ranked as one of the least talented male swimmers, but found success when he decided that everyone should call him a woman. (LEARN MORE: Biden Administration Study Finds Lesbian, Gay, And Bisexual Americans More Likely To Suffer From Major Depression)

“We knew we’d be competing against Thomas, who is a 6’4,” 22-year-old male. But we didn’t know we would be changing in a locker room [together] until we were actually changing in the locker room. And again, let me repeat, this is a 6’4,” 22-year-old male who was fully exposing male parts in our locker room where we were simultaneously undressing. So that’s what that looked like,” she said of the situation.

Join The Great Spiritual Awakening To Protect Women

Protecting women’s rights is part of your job as a Christian American. The more that mentally ill en can invade their lives, the more danger they will be in.

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