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Princeton University Class Curriculum Says Black People Are ‘Disabled’ Due To Systematic Racism

Fox News reported Sunday that a Princeton University class curriculum for Fall 2023 claims that black people should be considered “disabled” due to systemic racism.

The class is taught by Satyel Larson, who wrote a book with Jasbir Puar, arguing that black people can be considered disabled because of the alleged social structures in place within America, which the authors claim limits their agency.

“Black Lives Matter and the struggle to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine are not only movements ‘allied’ with disability rights, nor are they only distinct disability justice issues. Rather, I am motivated to think of these fierce organizing practices collectively as a disability justice movement itself, as a movement that is demanding an end to so many conditions of precaritization that debilitate many populations,” the book reads.

“These movements may not represent the most appealing or desired versions of disability pride. But they are movements anchored, in fact, in the lived experiences of debilitation, implicitly contesting the right to maim, and imagining multiple futures where bodily capacities and debilities are embraced rather than weaponized.”

Universities Take Your Tax Dollars. Tell Them What You Expect To See From Your Generosity

Do you think its fair that Americans of all ages within our higher education institutions are being taught that an entire demographic is “disabled” because of their skin color? No. This couldn’t be further from the truth, but it perpetuates the very stigmas and otherness pushed by Princeton.

Under God, we are all equal, regardless of our skin color.

Tell your lawmakers that universities who take federal funding need to protect Americans, not ostracize them. Sign up for today (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed and become citizen lobbyists in the pursuit of faith and freedom across our great nation.


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