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One State Is Poised To Eliminate Pistol Purchase Permits

House Republicans approved House Bill 50 on Wednesday, repealing North Carolina’s 110-year-old pistol purchase permit, according to Just The News. So, what happens next?

Well, the measure then head to the Senate, where is was also approved! Senate Bill 41, as it was so boringly named, if fully signed into law, would still require North Carolinians to go through federal background checks.

Advocates of the bill note how pistol purchase permits were initially created by Democrats during the Jim Crow era in order to stop black citizens from obtaining legal access to firearms. North Carolina remains the only southern state that requires a pistol purchase permit. (LEARN MORE: Progressive Mayors Try Their Hardest To Shame Gunmakers)

Democrats haven’t changed their tune that much over the last 110 years. Opponents of the bill (mostly Democrats) argue that it creates a loophole that would allow people with mental illness to gain easier access to weapons. But since North Carolina is doing little to mitigate mental illness, its kind of a stupid argument that opens the Democrats to more scrutiny over problems they refuse to tackle meaningfully.

More than that, “bad guys” with guns aren’t going to stopped by good guys without guns. And the law makes it harder to be a good guy with a gun as it currently stands. Thankfully, Republicans approved the removal of this archaic law 67-48 in a party-line vote, WNCN noted.

Don’t let Democrats destroy your Second Amendment rights to protect yourself and your kin.

If you want your local leaders to focus on CRIME and MENTAL HEALTH instead of taking away your Constitutional right to bear arms, sign up to today. Or, text “MV” to 80550 to learn more. It’s so easy to contact your leaders today to make sure they’re working for you.


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