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Music Teacher Forced To Resign After Refusing To Enable Child’s Mental Health Issues

A high school music teacher in Indiana was reportedly forced to resign from his position after refusing to enable his student’s mental health issues. The student apparently claimed to be “trans” (despite this not being a thing) and the teacher refused to enable the behavior.

The transgender movement’s systematic targeting of young Americans has sparked a major concern for youth mental health across the U.S. The short and long-term side effects of so-called “transgender” medical procedures and interventions by Big Pharma is sterilizing young people, and happily removing various body part despite the clear lack of scientific evidence that one can physically change their gender.

Alliance Defending Freedom

ADF, working with the teacher in question, has filed a request for the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit to hear the case, the Christian Post reported. The teacher is suing his district, Brownsburg Community School Corporation.

Lower courts have thus far ruled against the teacher, but he’s willing to take this thing all the way to the stop. Particularly now that it’s clear his rights to freedom of speech and religious freedom are being rejected. (LEARN MORE: World Expert Says Transgenderism Is ‘Mental Disorder,’ Sex Changes Are ‘Biologically Impossible,’ And The Industry Will Collapse Like Eugenics Did)

ADF Senior Counsel Josh Bursh said in a statement that all government employees should be able work according to their religious beliefs.

“Yet the Brownsburg school district ignored the law, deciding the teacher’s religious views couldn’t be tolerated, revoked his religious accommodation based on the grumblings of a few, and forced him to resign on pain of termination,” he noted.

Protect Children. Protect Teachers. Protect America.

Any one of us could be the teacher in this case. All of us are under threat from the tyrannical woke leftist progressive movement. Our freedoms, and the protections of our children, are up for grabs right now, and they don’t have to be.

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