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How Interests Rates Actually Impact You At Home. Carl Higbie Explains In Amazing Monologue

Newsmax anchor and absolute patriot Carl Higbie shared a video on Twitter, Tuesday, where he described how interest rate rises actually impact you at home. While we’ve tried to break down the nuance of our present economic crises before, we really don’t think we can do it as well as Higbie.

He explained how the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates over the last year in order to combat the “highest inflation we’ve seen in almost half a century.” In layman’s terms, the Fed is trying to slow down the economy — IE: make it harder for you to live — “because Democrats decided to print trillions of dollars” both throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and to fund a war that has nothing to do with us in Ukraine.

“As the Fed raises interest rates, folks, in an increasingly unstable economy, many things happen,” Higbie continued. “Most notably, consumer debt. It costs more to borrow money. Take your home for example. If two years ago you bought your home for $500,000 with a 10 percent down payment, your current rates — with good credit — were about 2.75%.”

In addition, your monthly payment would have been a little over $2,300, Higbie explained. Even with this rate, you would have ended up paying more than $200,00 extra for the home. It sounds like a lot, but this is what it cost when President Joe Biden first entered office.

Now… things are very different. The same home for the same price, with the same down payment, would now lead to a $3,400 monthly payment thanks to the Fed’s skyrocketing interest rates. You’ll also end up paying $1,170,000 for a home that was never worth even half of that to begin with.

Watch the full clip here to learn how the Fed is mismanaging our economy to the point of collapse:

This doesn’t just impact home buyers

Higbie then explained how the actions taken by the Fed lead to people not buying homes, so values decrease, and this hurts We The People again. Most people depend on their home value as their physical savings account. If the government is ensuring that their home is worth nothing, then we quite literally have nothing.

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