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Former Secretary Of Education Gives Emphatic Advice To Parents

Earlier this year, former Secretary of Education Bill Bennett gave emphatic advice to parents concerned about their children’s education.

Bennett’s advice revolved around focusing on involvement in children’s education, the Washington Stand reported.

“You need to pay attention to what goes on in that classroom, and you need to pay attention to what your local school board is up to. The Loudoun County people demonstrated that in spades. When I was Secretary of Education in the 1980s, touring the country and giving speeches, and people asked, ‘Well, what can I do to improve my kids’ education? I want to get involved.’ I said, ‘Run for the school board.’ And people would laugh. They’d kind of dismiss it. Well, I think now a lot of Americans see how interesting that is,” Bennett said. (LEARN MORE: Powerful Group Starts Campaign To Destroy Anti-Parent Legislation)

Transparency Within Curriculum Is Key

He went on to note the importance of paying attention to precisely what one’s children are being taught within their schools and on the wider county level (if applicable). If teachers and schools are reluctant to provide parents with the materials their children are being taught, that’s a problem.

“And choice is very, very important,” Bennett went on to note. “When I was secretary, we had the three Cs — content, character, choice. I believe parents should make the best, most informed choice they can. It’s amazing what happened with COVID when people got to see what was going on in their kids’ classrooms and got to see the head of one of the teachers unions talk about how those schools were going to remain closed against all the evidence. And so we saw this incredible increase in interest in homeschooling and charter schools and private schools, Catholic schools. … But remember that 70 to 90% of American people are going to be educated in the public school — so we need to pay attention to it, run for the school board, even if your kids have graduated.”

Tell Your Elected Officials How Important Parental Rights Are Today

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