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Former CIA Leader Confesses That Biden Campaign Was Behind Suppression Of Hunter Laptop Story

A report published by the Gateway Pundit, Saturday, revealed that former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Mike Morell, confessed under oath that the Biden campaign was behind a letter signed by more than 50 intelligence operatives designed to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The Hunter Biden laptop story revolves around a personal laptop that First Son Hunter Biden left at a repair shop in Delaware, containing huge amounts of incredibly sensitive and damaging materials. The story was said to be a lie when it first broke prior to the 2020 presidential elections, but was later revealed to be 100% true.

To cover it up, the Biden campaign and intelligence operatives lied, saying that the story and laptop was fake. They even recruited 51 different operatives to go in on the lie, and thanked Morell for his help in misleading the American public.

Mass Manipulation And Misleading The American Public

Morell is said to have helped organize the creation of the letter and used his contacts at the CIA to have the operatives sign it, despite it being fake, Newsweek reported.

His confession comes as part of a private sworn testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, according to Newsweek. Morell noted that he only took action after speaking to Secretary of State Antony Blinkin, who was part of the Biden campaign at the time. (LEARN MORE: Biden Regulations Could See Christians, Conservatives Denied Government Employment, Critics Claim)

In response to Morell’s confession, the White House said that House Republicans are “weaponizing their power” to go after opponents. So, just like the Democrats did to the entire American public, leading to one of the most corrupt elections in modern history …?

House Republicans Are Defending America. Democrats Are Destroying It.

The Biden campaign lied in order to get into power. They are still lying to you today. The American public are in an abusive relationship with the DNC, but we can leave it whenever we want.

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