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Don Lemon Bails On CNN

CNN host Don Lemon was reportedly fired from CNN, Monday, right around the same time that Tucker Carlson and Fox News decided to go their separate ways.

Lemon was apparently terminated from his anchor position on the network, according to NBC News. His firing comes just weeks after Variety published a damning report of what Lemon is like to work with (he is apparently a horrible man to staff, and others).

The troubled anchor was reportedly told by his agent that he was being fired. “I am stunned,” Lemon wrote in a Tweet to fans on Monday morning. “After 17  years at CNN I would have thought that someone in management would have had the decency to tell me directly.”

What Is Going On In The Media?

On this very manic Monday, the media appears to be in total chaos. With Tucker Carlson losing his show — the biggest thing in news media — and now this news from CNN, it certainly feels like we’re seeing the cracks and crumbling of our media establishment. (LEARN MORE: Elon Musk Dives Into The Deep State During ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ Interview)

But hasn’t this been the case for quite some time? We were lied to throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We were lied to throughout the 2020 Presidential election. We are lied to every day by our government, their agencies, and the media they secretly seem to run.

What Can You Do To Help Stop The Chaos?

Instead of just switching off your television, there are plenty of options to find real news for you. Here at Change.MillionVoices, we ensure all of our news leads to action. Our site helps you contact your local elected officials, and lobbies them to do what YOU want.

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