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Conservatives And Liberals Align In Support For Ending Government Censorship

A video shared Sunday broke down how the Biden Administration has normalized governmental censorship of Americans, and why both liberals and conservatives are fighting back.

The video, shared on Instagram, explains how the government created and introduced the term “malinformation” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Speaking directly to lawmakers, Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy explained how the term was create in order to censor those speaking out against the mainstream by shutting down social media accounts.

“Malinformation is information that is true, but is inconvenient to the government,” Kennedy said during the clip.

Here Is The Easiest Way To Bypass Big Tech Censorship

Have you ever emailed or contacted one of your local, state, or federal representatives on social media with an important message, and never received a response? Well, there are ways to bypass the Big Tech censorship that likely directed your message to a junk folder.

Actually, it turns out that 80% of Christian and Conservative emails are blocked or sent to spam by major tech companies like Google and Yahoo, according to research conducted by left-leaning NC State University.

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