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China Plans To Expand Existing Military Base In Cuba

The Chinese Communist Party is strengthening its ties to everyone and everything that isn’t America. The dictatorship’s latest move is to build a signal intelligence facility in Bejucal, Cuba, less than 100 miles from the America’s mainland, CBN reported Monday.

The Pentagon initially denied the existence of the facility, but it was later revealed by a military whistleblower, who claimed that the base has actually been there since 1992. Members of the U.S. government and military have avoided admitting that they are aware of the base, and that they’ve been aware of it since the beginning.

Why Were We Not Told About This Base?

There are probably a million things that our government and military officials do not tell us. Part of that silence is to protect U.S. interests, but part of it is also to ensure that we don’t look weak.

But letting China build a spy facility so close to our borders, which will now be developed into a full-on training camp, makes America look week. Why would our politicians not be more concerned about this?(LEARN MORE: We’re In A ‘New Cold War’ With China, Republican Says)

Some believe that the site is too close to the U.S. for it to be a serious threat. Apparently our military has the capability of destroying this particular base in a matter of minutes, just because it is so close to us. But the fact that China chose Cuba, a struggling nation in need of foreign investment and support, should sound alarm bells.

America is losing its place on the world stage by allowing China to keep creeping closer and closer to our borders, and no one seems to be doing a thing about it.

The Democrats Don’t Care About China’s Invasion Of The US

Our current leadership may not understand the importance of holding China accountable for their repeated attacks on the U.S., but that just means you need to choose new lawmakers and politicians who will.

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