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Biden’s Energy Secretary Met With Chinese Group To Push Gas Stove Ban

In yet another shocking turn in the stealth warfare we’re currently fighting against China, Biden’s energy secretary met with Chinese group to let the Chinese Communist Party take over our American way of life.

A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by Americans for Public Trust led to the recent revelation that Secretary of Energy Jennifer  Granholm, who was literally a failed actress before getting into politics, had a private meeting with the group attempting to ban gas stoves nationally. The dark money group, known as the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), has extensive ties to China, as well as the World Economic Forum, and is actively lobbying the U.S. government to ban gas stoves.

“Despite calling stories about the Biden Administration banning gas stoves ‘ridiculous’ and ‘not true,’ Secretary Granholm’s calendar tells a different story. We’ve now learned that she consulted with the dark money group pushing to ban gas stoves, “Executive Director of Americans for Public Trust, Caitlin Sutherland, said in a statement from the group. “Suffice to say, ‘ridiculous’ and ‘not true’ proposals don’t ordinarily involve a meeting with the Secretary of Energy—and where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Americans everywhere must demand Granholm and green energy extremists stay out of their kitchens.”

RMI’s ties to the Chinese government is predominantly centered on transitioning away from fossil fuels.

The current inflation crisis is at least partly caused by the total mismanagement of America’s energy supplies under the Biden Administration. This is further compounded by efforts made in China to destabilize our great nation. (LEARN MORE: China’s Stealth Invasion Of America Is Happening Now, Experts Warn)

Our current leadership may not understand the importance of holding China accountable for their repeated attacks on the U.S., but that just means you need to choose new lawmakers and politicians who will. Or better yet, why not choose politicians who fight back against China like at least one former President…

If you want your local, state, and federal government to do something about China, it’s time to use your voice. Sign up for today (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed on our current world war.


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