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Biden Administration Spent Nearly $40 Million On So-Called “Anti-Terrorism” Campaign Against Conservatives: report

Documents released by the Media Research Center (MRC) in May revealed that the Biden Administration used almost $40 million in grant money to have the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) target conservative news organizations.

The money was part of the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program, which was “revamped” under the current administration to manipulate the meaning of the word “terrorist” to include those who think and feel differently to progressive politicians. The program is being used to target Christians and those on the political right, MRC wrote in their analysis of the documents.

Conservatives, Christians Are ‘High Priority’ Targets For DHS

DHS awarded 80 “high priority” grants, ranging from $85,000 to $1.19 million, MRC reported. At least one of those grants went to the University of Dayton, who used it to target the following groups: “The Heritage Foundation, Fox News, Christian Broadcasting Network, Turning Point USA, PragerU, the National Rifle Association (NRA), Breitbart News, the American Conservative Union Foundation and the Republican National Committee.”

The purpose of the grant was for members of the institution to fight “domestic violence extremism and hate movements.” The chart used by DHS reportedly equated these mainstream organizations with neo-Nazis. (LEARN MORE: Informant On Biden Bribery Suddenly ‘Missing’, Rep Claims)

Another Terrifying Overstep By The Biden Administration

Are you sick and tired of the Biden Administration calling you a terrorist, when all you want is for peace, order, and Constitutional rights? You can tell your local, state, and federal officials that your vote depends on these values being restored.

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