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Almost 20 Lawmakers Are At Least 80-Years-Old. Here’s Who They Are

Fox News published a story Sunday, which detailed all 19 members of Congress who are aged 80-years or older, as well as President Joe Biden (80-years-old).

The story comes amid growing concerns that America is being run by people too old to do the job efficiently. Yes, we’ve had three years of President Joe Biden’s ageing  commentary, which makes us look incredibly weak on the global stage. But we have an opportunity to change that in November 2024.

Here’s Fox’s list (HOUSE):

California: Democrat Grace Napolitano, 86; Democrat Maxine Waters, 84; Democrat Nancy Pelosi, 83; Democrat Anna Eshoo, 80

Texas: Republican John Carter, 82; Republican Kay Granger, 80

D.C.: Democrat delegate Eleanor Norton, 86

Kentucky: Republican Hal Rogers, 85

New Jersey: Democrat Bill Pascrell Jr., 86

Maryland: Democrat Steny Hoyer, 84

South Carolina” Democrat Jim Clyburn, 83

Illinois: Democrat Danny Davis, 81

Florida: Democrat Fredrica Wilson, 80

Connecticut: Democrat Rosa DeLauro, 80

North Carolina: Republican Virginia Foxx, 80.


California: Democrat Dianne Feinstein, 90

Iowa: Republican Chuck Grassley, 89

Vermont: independent Bernie Sanders, 81

Kentucky: Republican Mitch McConnell, 81.

Choose Leaders Who Work For You

Choosing our future president and lawmakers is one of the most important things you can do as an American citizen. Your right to vote is as powerful as it gets in our democracy, so who do you want to vote for?

Better yet, what policies and platforms are most important to you? Along with the president, there are thousands of elected officials across America who work for you. What do you want them working on?

Tell them today! Sign up for www.Change. today (text MV to 80550) for the easiest means of getting in touch with your elected officials. Share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed, and take action to protect our beautiful nation.


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