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Abigail Adams, Wife And Mother Of America’s Presidents: Women’s History Month

In this series, Change.MillionVoices celebrates inspirational women from the past and present day America. We value these women for the way they continue to shape our culture and history today.

Abigail Adams: An American Legacy

Abigail Adams was the wife of John Adams, and the mother of John Quincy Adams. According to Wall Builders, Adams had no formal education. She still went on to become the most trusted advisors to the Founding Fathers.

Adams was driven by her Christian faith. Her self-taught expertise on the Scriptures was profound, particularly as she lived through the American Revolution. One of her letters to her husband read as:

“Nor doth the eye say unto the hand, “I have no need of thee” [1 Corinthians 12:21]. The Lord will not cast off His people, neither will He forsake his inheritance [Psalm 94:14]. Great events are most certainly in the womb of futurity, and if the present chastisements which we experience have a proper influence upon our conduct, the event will certainly be in our favor. . . . Pharaoh’s [i.e., King George III’s] heart is hardened, and he refuseth to hearken to them and will not let the people go [Exodus 8:32]. May their deliverance be wrought out for them, as it was for the children of Israel [Exodus 12].”

We highly recommend you read the rest of her incredible works on WallBuilders. There are few with her heart, soul, voice, witness, and poise. She is truly the mother of modern America, instilling her faith into her son. He went on to become one of the greatest Christian Patriots America has ever known.

Who Are You Celebrating For The 2023 Women’s History Month?

Let us know! If any of your local, state, and federal lawmakers and politicians are brilliant women, we want to help you support them. Sign up for Change.MillionVoices today OR (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family.


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Million Voices is a movement that gives voters and potential voters the foundation they need to confidently act from a biblical worldview.

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