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How ‘Restoring Faith In America’ Helps Open Doors To Expressing Your Faith Without Fear

Having the freedom to express your faith without fear has been far from easy for the average America in recent decades, but one organization is making sure this Constitutional right is restored.

Restoring Faith in America is on a mission to make sure that every American has the right to express their faith within risk of losing their careers or being denied governmental support in their work. The most important part of the work? Making sure that you know your rights.

Did you know that a teacher is allowed to put up a 10 Commandments poster in their classroom?  Most people who work in education may still think they’ll lose their job if they bring religion into their classrooms or into their schoolyards, but this is far from the case.

Football players are allowed to ask their teammates, opposing players, coaches, and anyone else they want if they would like to pray together on the field after a game. Thanks to a landmark Supreme Court ruling in the Kennedy v. Bremerton case, an educator can no longer lose their job should they wish to say a prayer on the field.

And these rights don’t just extend to educational institutions. Restoring Faith in America notes on their main website that Churches and other local religious organizations cannot be excluded from government grants and benefits, including those that support our most vulnerable citizens.

If your rights have been taken away because of your free expression of faith, Restoring Faith in America can get you the legal help you need. They’re just a click away. (LEARN MORE: The Separation Of Church And State)

Thankfully, you don’t have to sue in federal court to get the rights you and your fellow Christians deserve. Communicating with your local lawmakers is easier than ever, especially if you sign up for Change.MillionVoices today OR (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so we can unite as citizen lobbyists and peacefully fight for our freedoms.


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Million Voices is a movement that gives voters and potential voters the foundation they need to confidently act from a biblical worldview.

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