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Weighing in on Amy Coney Barrett

Confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Supreme Court Justice nominee, are well underway. According to Trump, Judge Barrett is “a woman of unparalleled achievement, towering intellect, sterling credentials, and unyielding loyalty to the Constitution.”  Though she undoubtedly is a remarkable woman with clear devotion to lawful justice who is well-suited for this position, she is also perceived as a serious threat to those who believe women must adhere to a certain ideology in order to be successful. This harmful narrative promotes the following ideas: 

“Abortion is Needed for Women to Succeed”

Since 1973, women have been told that, in order to compete with men, abortion is necessary.  How tragic that such women have been led into the “prison of two ideas,” told they have no other option but to choose between the life of their baby and success in their careers.  

Judge Barrett defies this deceptive narrative, having accepted her nomination to the Supreme Court, from the President of the United States, with seven children beside her.  Barrett epitomizes the incredible strength and determination of women, demonstrating that it is possible for a woman who is a wife and a mother to achieve monumental—and undeniable—success as a career woman. 

“Women Should Prioritize Career over Family”

Our culture relentlessly undermines family and parenthood. Women are told that motherhood could hold them back and are encouraged to suppress their God-given desire to bring new life into this world. What if, rather than teaching our daughters to set aside this uniquely-female gift in order to fit into the male-driven working world, we focused instead on adapting the working world to accommodate their unique needs and desires, allowing women to embrace every aspect of their femininity?

Judge Barrett would be the first mother of school-aged children to become a Supreme Court justice. With mothers making up 32% of the women’s workforce, working moms need someone who can be a true ally.  As a mother of seven, Judge Barrett uniquely understands the challenges mothers face in the United States relating to maternity leave (among 41 countries, the U.S. is in last place for paid maternity leave), childcare (high-quality child care is often out of reach for working families), and lactation accommodations in the workplace (the U.S. has one of the lowest breastfeeding rates, despite the numerous health benefits to both the woman and child). Improvements in these areas could help move us beyond the “either-or” narrative, providing options that add to, rather than take from, women’s lives. 

“Pro-Lifers Don’t Actually Care About Life Outside the Womb”

Proponents of life reject the notion that they have no concern for children’s quality of life once they’re born. A woman finding herself in circumstances she does not believe are conducive to raising a child, does have other options—such as adoption—that preserve the life of the unborn child while at the same time providing better outcomes for the mother, particularly in terms of emotional and spiritual well-being. 

Amy Coney Barrett’s life is a true picture of what it means to value the sanctity of life, inside and outside the womb. After hearing of the massive destruction following an earthquake in Haiti, the Barrett family decided to take action in the midst of tragedy by adopting a toddler boy—the second child they adopted from Haiti—removing him from the devastation. Leaving her two children in the poorest country of the Western Hemisphere, without a mother or father, suffering from malnutrition in a lucrative orphanage system and likely to be exploited by human trafficking,was not an option for the Barrett family.  Judge Barrett not only theoretically believes that every life has value and deserves to be protected; she lives it out in her personal life.

Judge Barrett’s family is an example of racial unity and equality for our nation. Her diverse family situation not only shows the compassion and the level of dedication she is willing to show to those who are in need, but it is a beautiful representation of our Father’s adoptive heart towards us.

“He predestined and lovingly planned for us to be adopted to Himself as [His own] children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the kind intention and good pleasure of His will.” Ephesians 1:5 (AMP)

“Women‘s Choice is Needed for ‘Undesirable’ Pregnancies”

With her youngest child having Down Syndrome, Judge Barrett has also stood strong against the voices that would suggest children like her son, Benjamin, be terminated based on his special needs. She understands the difficulties presented by having a child with Down Syndrome and personally knows the many misconceptions of this group:

“Benjamin, our youngest, is 5. He has special needs. That presents unique challenges for all of us. But I think all you need to know about Benjamin’s place in the family is summed up by the fact the other children unreservedly identify him as their favorite sibling.” 

Children with fetal abnormalities are no less precious and, as in the case of Judge Barrett’s youngest child, are often the source of immeasurable joy.  An ideology that makes it acceptable to end such children’s lives in the womb is beyond tragic, and the devaluing of such lives, or any life, is dangerous to the direction of a nation. 

 “As the mother of a child with special needs, [Judge Barrett] fully understands the issues and concerns that confront our nation’s most vulnerable, “ states the White House.  Regardless of political ideologies, our Supreme Court should defend and value all human life, regardless of chromosome structure, color, size, shape, age, ability, or origin.

“Being Pro-Choice is Empowering”

American women are immersed in a culture that normalizes abortion and lures them in with promises of empowerment and freedom. But, tragically, if you scroll through social media during the month of October—Infant Loss Awareness month—you will likely glimpse a different story, as our newsfeeds are flooded with stories of the heartbreaking grief that haunts mothers who have suffered the loss of a baby.

True feminist empowerment should support and enhance all of femininity, every aspect of womanhood. Amy Coney Barrett achieved astounding academics, built a successful career, cultivated a loving marriage, carried and delivered five lives into this world, adopted two additional children, and has now received a nomination to the highest court in our country.  With the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual stamina this required of her, she is a striking example of female empowerment.

A Supreme Court Justice We Can All Stand Behind

With 86% of our nation’s women being mothers (by age 40-44), having representation on the U.S. Supreme Court by a woman who has qualifications as a mother, as well as a wife and a successful career woman, should be welcomed by those on both sides of the aisle. The U.S. Supreme Court needs a feminist who fiercely embraces all aspects of womanhood, rather than espousing the harmful narrative that women must deny what makes them different from men in order to achieve their dreams.

As evidenced by her professional and personal history as well as her personal statements, Judge Barret promises to defend the constitution, applying the “law as it is written,” while supporting the most vulnerable in our nation, promoting diversity and standing against racial disparities, fighting for all children, and speaking up for women. Regardless of political stance, Judge Amy Coney Barret is a justice nominee we can all stand behind.



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